Monday, September 8, 2008

LiFe In ALiEn LaNd!!!!

The year was 2004 in the month of july,after an unexceptional amount of "Goof ups" in my competitive exams i finally managed to get a seat in IP Univ in a college called NIEC and Premsukh but due to some unavoidable reasons and due to my unexceptional achievements and adavancements in some Co-Curricular and Extra Curricular activities,i was packed and thrown from a paradise known as "DeLhI" to an alien and marsh land called "KITS,RAMTEK" a 40 KM drive from city of nagpur,where the inhabitants were yet to discover the terminology Pubs,Babes,Multiplex,restraunts and what not.

The only respite to human beings like me was place nagpur where one could atleast watch muvies and have good food. Nagpur was a decent city or town may be where one cud have glimpses of real life.

In my early days of stay at Ramtek i Cursed myself that why on earth it was only me who was cursed with such a big sin at such a tender age. But after few days i came in across with ppl who were in the same boat as of me.

First step:-

My First Day:-

I had landed in ramtek in the first week of August,and my admission procedure was pretty much done because of my Uncle Mr.K.Mohan who was a HOD of Architecture and a Priniciple at that time.

I had a quick tour of my college and i was left by my uncle at Jamuna Hostel at 7pm.The moment i entered the hostel i cud see few 3rd year seniors who were residing at the ground floor of the hostel,and were passing slaughtering looks and were thinking (I suppose) " One more Goat in the herd to slaughter and feast upon"

I quickly passed by the lobby at the ground floor and hopped onto the first floor.The moment i stepped onto the first floor i could see a lobby with people gathered at one corner as if someonne has found a treasure and everybody was busy in looting it. Eventually i came to know that a commom telephone where calls came in and one could speak to their relatives and everybody was busy waiting for a call from their Near and Dear ones.

I was alloted Room No 128 and being pretty intelligent i made out from the numbers on the rooms that i had to take the right corridor. The moment i took the corridor to my right i went on searching for my room and i had to take a right turn at the end of the lane and once i took the turn i was shocked by the Demonic View. The first thoughts which came to mind include "This Hostel must be designed by an architect who must be specialized in designing some kind of Solitary Confinement Trauma and Panic Centre. The corridor had rooms placed adjacent to each other in a row and rooms opposite to each room." On a whole the first impression any one could get is that:- "This was some sort prison which has been turned into a hostel for intimates who did not commit any sort of crime but were forced to serve a term of four years under the tag of Engineering."

My Room:-

My room J-128 was the first room to the left in the corridor. As soon as i knocked the room a thin and tall guy opened the door, who i came to later on was my roommate whose name was Mr.Chanesh Charmoshikar, in the mean time a another guy was peeping through the door who was my 2nd room mate Mr. Rupesh Dhok.
Once i entered the room the first thing i could see was 3 beds lined up and followed to the left were 3 cupboards with locks on 2 of them and i could see 3 tables and chairs scattered in the room. On a whole my room was comfortable enough to accomadate 3 people.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

wid is one of de guy from de boat...
rawkin praneet...